
World Rank: #71 Elo: 2234* Ladder: Master

1 : 0

*Elo at time of match, not current Elo.

Demo Info

Date recorded26th August 2014
Player POVMulti-POV
File size1.57MB
Upload date26th August 2014
(0 votes)

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Death Events

01:10 Sev3n Guismo12
03:51 Guismo12 Sev3n
09:37 Guismo12 Guismo12

Chat Events

00:-7 Guismo12hf
00:-2 Sev3nhf
00:17 strenx19h juste un match
00:21 strenxyep, go ahead
00:24 p0nistrenx
00:29 strenxque?
00:32 p0nibo1 or bo3 vs x?
00:35 strenxbo3
00:42 strenxnah im not gay
00:55 strenxwhy this question
01:07 strenxnot yet , studying atm
01:12 p0nithen you no are gay
01:18 p0ni:D
01:19 strenxxd
01:37 strenxmakeup eyes?
01:42 WOTCH_AUTyes
01:43 strenxrofl
01:45 TALEXhahaa :D
01:45 strenxits my eyes
01:48 strenxthey look like that
01:50 strenxthats it
01:52 p0niwhere is your streamer strenx?
01:52 WOTCH_AUTok
02:00 strenxit looks like ive makeu p
02:02 strenxbut its my natural eyes
02:10 strenxand i think im lucky
02:11 strenxto have that
02:13 strenx=)
02:19 strenxi proved it on stream
02:21 strenxwith something
02:25 strenxi dont remember what
02:29 strenxbut i had to prove
02:37 strenxand if u didnt know
02:41 strenxi had a gf 1 year ago
02:44 strenxshe was on stream
02:44 strenxsometimes
02:52 p0ni:_D
02:54 xnidashaHA
02:55 strenxa bit crap
02:57 p0nime8 years with gf
03:03 strenxnice, 8 years is really good
03:31 strenxif you are in love
03:32 strenxit sfine
03:33 TALEX:PP
03:43 strenxim french
03:47 mikulzup kev!
03:50 strenxyo
04:00 strenxfuck I miss
04:02 strenxthe time i was good
04:03 strenxin this game
04:22 mikulhahaha
04:25 strenxyeye, ive seen it
04:42 strenxim really bad since 1 year
04:55 strenxnever been good since then
05:01 xnidasaaw
05:35 lesznytrue
05:39 strenxim here because ive a game
05:40 strenxin 15 mn
05:53 strenxto be really good
05:56 strenxin order that i take back
05:57 strenxmy skill
06:01 strenxi need
06:02 strenxto geek
06:05 strenxh24 for like 2 months
06:07 strenxbut what the point
06:13 strenxi would win more with job etc
06:21 TALEXfor the love: P
06:22 strenxand im not even sure
06:25 strenxto be this good
06:26 TALEXquake love :P
06:33 strenxto live, i need a job
06:44 strenxmy studies are expensive
06:45 strenxetc etc
06:45 mikulhehe yeah.
06:51 mikulindeed they are
07:07 strenxbut u can be sure
07:09 strenxthat
07:09 mikulme
07:14 strenxafter eswc for this shit game
07:15 strenxshootmania
07:19 mikul:D
07:20 strenxI might play more quake
07:24 mikuldo it
07:28 elchuckielateral thinking :D
07:31 strenxeswc is easy top 3 i guess
07:33 TALEXwtf
07:37 strenxits free money, so
07:42 strenxwhy not playing
07:45 strenxffor eswc
08:00 strenx10000 dollars
08:11 strenx3 players
08:19 Guismo12:)
08:22 strenxme too, i want to stream more
08:23 elchuckies
08:24qlranksscrbr: you*
08:42 strenxif im not good
08:43 strenxwhats the point
08:49 strenxi miss the moment
08:50 strenxback in the day
08:54 strenxwhen russians were afraid
08:58qlranksdesertz: baguette connection
09:02 strenxnow they just abuse
09:05 strenxme to play
09:08 strenxwith 65 ms
09:10 strenxon russia server
09:11 strenxall the time
09:28 WOTCH_AUTplay
09:29 strenxon se sry
09:32 strenx65 ms there
09:50 strenxive 45 ms in NL
09:55 strenxand they dont want
09:57 strenxto play me when ive 45
09:58 Guismo12gg
10:01 Sev3ngg